2008-01-29 02:41:59 UTC
Reporting Darrell A. Larose For Filth Mongering
This post and subsequent postings by others privy to this information
is to track and archive one of the worst Internet Predators of all
time..Darrell A. Larose (darrelllarose.ca, ***@darrelllarose.ca)
whose Usenet filth mongering has gone on long enough. Each of his
three (3) Internet Service Providers (ISP) will be notified via this
email address and variations thereof with "in kind" postings of their
Executives until this FAGGOT poster is punished. Our message to his
access providers, facilitators, ISP's, News Servers, accommodating web
sites, etc.."What is good enough for the Goose (Larose's filth), is
good enough for the Gander (his Facilitators)"! You are hereby on
I. First..how he accesses the Net initially..three (3) facilitators..
1) Rogers Cable (rogers.com) notify Mile Culley
(***@rci.rogers.com) through dynamic IP's, i.e., aliases, all cross referenced by Roger's
More here..
(2) Sympatico (Bell Nexxia) notify ***@sympatico.ca through dial-up
dynamic IP's, i.e.,, Darrell or Marc Wigle may be
also be posing as Ted Urban (ted ***@hotmail.com) via this dial-up.
It is definitely one of the two perverts! His profile..
(3) National Capital FreeNet http://www.ncf.ca/ posting as
***@freenet.carleton (Darrell A. Larose), contact John Selwyn,
Executive Director (***@ncf.ca)..Darrell's profile..
II. Second..once on the Net, his accesses rogue News Readers, i.e.
aioe.org run by a sleezeball Italian named Paolo Amoroso
(***@aioe.org), Dizum.com (https://ssl.dizum.com/), and many other
remailers, obfuscators, proxies, etc.
III Third..Once obfuscated, he uses HUNDREDS of aliases, many direct
copies/forgeries of his victims. See links immediately following this
paragraph for many (not all inclusive) and his pattern of such..
(1) http://darrell-larose-aliases1.notlong.com
(2) http://darrell-larose-aliases1.notlong.com
(3) http://darrelllarose-forgery.notlong.com (all posts by
on 1/15/08 are forgeries by Larose)
(4) http://darrelllarose-justme-alias.notlong.com
(5) http://darrell-larose-alias-Suppedisne.notlong.com
(6) http://darrell-larose-alias-Forge-Jason.notlong.com (forges jason.
2401) One of few a/c removed by aioe.org
(7) http://darrell-larose-aliases-More.notlong.com
(8) http://darrell-larose-aliases-Nomen.notlong.com
(9) http://darrelllarose-the-exorcist.notlong.com
(10) http://darrell-larose-alias-ad607.notlong.com
(11) http://darrell-larose-aliases-many.notlong.com (unbelievable!)
(12) http://darrell-larose-aliases-recent.notlong.com (***@home.eh)
(13) " \(_*_\)" <***@dizum.com> banned by Google in one day
(14) "Enid Strict" <***@dizum.com> banned by Google in one day
(15) http://darrell-larose-alias-nobody.notlong.com (***@here.eh
via aioe.org)
(16) "In nomine Patris" <***@dizum.com> banned in one day by Google
(17) http://darrell-larose-alias101.notlong.com
(***@darrylanddarryl.org again via aioe.org)
(18) http://darrell-larose-alias-bodybuilder.notlong.com (forging gain
Scoville's bodybuilder as "Edward Urbane" <***@aol.com> via
aioe.org again)
IV..Some of his posting profiles using real name..
(1) http://darrell-larose-posting-OwnName.notlong.com
(***@rogers.com via Rogers))
(2) http://darrell-larose-OwnName2.notlong.com
***@freenet.carleton.ca via FreeNet)
V. Some relevant links (more as this posting lives as an archive))
(1) http://darrell-larose-overview.notlong.com
(2) http://darrell-larose-reporting.notlong.com
(3) http://darrell-larose-GOOGLE.notlong.com
(4) http://darrell-larose-GOOGLE-GROUPS.notlong.com
(5) http://darrell-larose-FSS-SEARCH.notlong.com
(6) http://darrell-larose-REPORTING2.notlong.com (important email
VI. Most Importantly for arcving this predator, his facilitaors, etc..
***@igs.net Network ***@carleton.ca
***@avalonworks.com ***@ncf.ca Beyond
***@avalonworks.com ***@avalonworks.com Gateway
***@igs.net Services America ***@carleton.ca david
***@canada.com ***@ottawapolice.ca
http://tinyurl.com/jast6 ***@canada.com west
http://tinyurl.com/jast6 ***@pccwglobal.com http://tinyurl.com/l9rq9
***@btnaccess.com http://tinyurl.com/kp9zk CanWest
613-236-1222 http://tinyurl.com/kp9zk ***@aol.com
***@ottawapolice.ca ***@ottawa.ca http://www.ottawapolice.ca
webnames.ca Bevan wrote: WEBNAMES.CA Bob Vincent
photo.equipment.medium-format police chief Spanker Jozef
***@aol.com ***@canwest.com Lipnican Publications
Chiarelli ***@canwest.com ***@gmail.com DeGroot
JustTheFarts canada.com ***@here.com Peter
rec.photo.digital Flatus ***@this.invalid MediaWorks arts rob
ott.general Gregory Morrow ***@aol.com Spam Suppedisne
anon can.legal NET.COP us.legal us.legal httP//www.FSSSmack.org
DomainsAtCost ***@gmail.com camera hall ***@freenet.carleton.ca
rec.photo.digital.slr-systems ***@dfn.de ***@rogers.com
***@aol.com ***@hotmail.com unprofessional
***@privacy.ca ***@gmail.com ***@rci.rogers.com
Universitaet Culley club Technische Cyberus 935-6497 Blocked
***@yahoo.com pedophilia magma.ca [#35227650] Interested
***@yahoo.com Online (416) nomen Dresden
(KMM21799091V39451L0KM) ***@aol.com
network-***@cc.yahoo-inc.com larose wigle 299 slime [#35227582]
darrelllarose.ca cyberus.ca [#41695102] Mayor [#41695104]
Coleccionista primus ***@FreeNet.Carleton.CA frell.net
***@nym.alias.net prime frell usenetexchange.com schwarz nescio
singh rogers RCMP ott.general FreakSpeekSore ***@aol.com
photographers kirch Bob idiot Chairella Lowell pm ***@cyberus.ca
***@frell.theremailer.net Sympatico minister section rr cyberus.ca
***@hotmail.com Greene dufus 8 trademark canada remailer cop
roadrunner regional bruns warner ex-convict
harman usps ahbl.org Professional 2mbit.com richard forgery security
ahbl andrew unacceptable puke Bestiality brian speakeasy
***@canadapost.ca Contingent ***@uspis.gov illegal felon
defamation defame sosdg SPCA dog-sodomizing trelane solicitation 449
QC alt.ecommerce Blasphemy tax time canadapost.ca Toniata Liabilities
***@canadapost.ca district Trinity criminal 819-684-3482
819-682-3500 man sosdg.org crimes Wilfrid 819-684-5760 P.O. Wilfrid-
Lavigne Capitol 203 Aylmer judge PQ PWHS Cinemas Anglican Boul Wright
Church Paraphilia McGee 6P1 Gatineau J9H postal 514 Elizabeth Bd
Square Christ Aylmer Darcy alt.usenet.kooks 613-860-1689 School
Philemon Lavigne chemin alt.personals.teen Queen french
abuse.usenet Quebec Road High alt.www.webmaster ott.general
misc.consumers sat.general brockville alt.religion.scientology
Carleton misogyny alt.gossip.celebrities webnames.ca idiot Carleton
misc.invest.stocks d'Aylmer Computers ***@webnames.ca School Road
alt.personals.sex University freenet cs.ubc.ca alt.personals.bi
DePodesta sci.psychology.psychotherapy British sci.physics.relativity
***@cs.ubc.ca http://www.ocdsb.edu.on.ca copyright spam
translations ***@FreeNet.Carleton.CA University carleton.ca libel
competency Board District phishing loss code http://www.carleton.ca
stephen english claire Columbia address PayPal management virus
***@mrco2.carleton.ca forging investment death carleton.ca smith
optus.com.au invest service equity tortuous stock misogynist
stockbrokers trademark provider scam stocks radiant.net shares
forgeries jessica primustel.ca primustel.com virtual ethics PRTL
hosegood extensions Andrew isp magma wigle virtual-impact.ca
bowmac.com.au petercommunications ip authorized marc magma.ca
brokerage sarah executive Ted wigle.ca liability Edmund policy
aup abuse onebigfriggingdude Nice use impact principle internet
support Singh ***@hotmail.com Chase Tracy Bob R. Carl
***@virtual-impact.ca Leslie primus Lawson Paul DePodesta Chislett
John Guirgis filth Thomas Scase Hazard Ali F. Neil Mark David
Tailwind Andrew Wilson Day K. Capital Rosenblatt GlobeComm L. M.
Geoffrey E. Kloster Hicks G. G. Jay Karp private equity Puente B.
Hershberg Capital Douglas Paul Reid fund AIG-sponsored PH John
ruse Systems Greg frontpage hacker Partners Kaul MICROS K.
investigation Systems probes Yazdanpanah scanning Pizzani P. Hughes
kook hacks Telecommunications Network linux Ladyface intrusions scans
GNU/Linux subterfuge complaints news.admin.net-abuse.email punk
Complaints newsgroup LLC internet punks loser server nanae language
hacking lawsuit ***@duskglow.com unix internet rcmp Miller
profanity child Russell alt.usenet.kooks ntegrity Duskglow mounted
Detective neal roy
beware Consulting ethical abuse canadian filthy Consulting programmer
professionalism iowa morningmist.org vengeance threats police Le
scoville ethics duskglow.com 712-546-5886 royal Mars alt.usenet.kooks
1557 contacts hotmail court rcmp sue Multi-Posting bans Graham
Excessive harass professional brin richard kooks bravehost.com
Gatineau FSS-***@hotmail.com harasser accountant ban sucks contact
page NASDAQ earnings kook ***@hotmail.com police Shworan
beware susan 05468667 Dave White sexual harassment Negative sapd
Bravenet pervert Notification cyberstalking ***@wigle.ca
cyberstalker wife conference
groups-***@google.com pornogrophy penis report necrophilia
***@google.com ***@google.com dimmock troll deviancy stalker
slime Nescio lingo alert ***@google.com groups dev/null
ott.personals google Nomen ***@nojunkhotmail.com Louise cyber
deviant hookers aol hooker district ahbl.org whatever... Womyn
marijuana ***@layeredetech.com,***@ottawapolice.ca,
***@ottawapolice.ca, ***@ottawapolice.ca,***@rogers.com,
h.com,***@layeredtech.com, ***@layeredtechnologies.com,
***@layeredtechnologies.com ***@this.eh 225th court specia
fuck reports claire fss bogus judge 2mbit.com mary ***@dizum.com
kirch duck trelane.net Misconduct fischer 2005-CI-19492 lame
incompetent recusal biased
dereliction complaints sosdg.org bruns administrative recuse Judicial
National ***@cameraclubottawa.com Capital ***@hosteurope.de
pompous ***@onyx.inf.tu-dresden.de ***@datenschutzzentrum.de
camera toybox.ca Internic.ca complaints derelict ***@inf.tu-
dresden.de Corp Goff linda wong (omp:100238) sarah jean stewart (omp:
164070) onemodelplace.com vern white sherry jones gay blade predator
This post and subsequent postings by others privy to this information
is to track and archive one of the worst Internet Predators of all
time..Darrell A. Larose (darrelllarose.ca, ***@darrelllarose.ca)
whose Usenet filth mongering has gone on long enough. Each of his
three (3) Internet Service Providers (ISP) will be notified via this
email address and variations thereof with "in kind" postings of their
Executives until this FAGGOT poster is punished. Our message to his
access providers, facilitators, ISP's, News Servers, accommodating web
sites, etc.."What is good enough for the Goose (Larose's filth), is
good enough for the Gander (his Facilitators)"! You are hereby on
I. First..how he accesses the Net initially..three (3) facilitators..
1) Rogers Cable (rogers.com) notify Mile Culley
(***@rci.rogers.com) through dynamic IP's, i.e., aliases, all cross referenced by Roger's
More here..
(2) Sympatico (Bell Nexxia) notify ***@sympatico.ca through dial-up
dynamic IP's, i.e.,, Darrell or Marc Wigle may be
also be posing as Ted Urban (ted ***@hotmail.com) via this dial-up.
It is definitely one of the two perverts! His profile..
(3) National Capital FreeNet http://www.ncf.ca/ posting as
***@freenet.carleton (Darrell A. Larose), contact John Selwyn,
Executive Director (***@ncf.ca)..Darrell's profile..
II. Second..once on the Net, his accesses rogue News Readers, i.e.
aioe.org run by a sleezeball Italian named Paolo Amoroso
(***@aioe.org), Dizum.com (https://ssl.dizum.com/), and many other
remailers, obfuscators, proxies, etc.
III Third..Once obfuscated, he uses HUNDREDS of aliases, many direct
copies/forgeries of his victims. See links immediately following this
paragraph for many (not all inclusive) and his pattern of such..
(1) http://darrell-larose-aliases1.notlong.com
(2) http://darrell-larose-aliases1.notlong.com
(3) http://darrelllarose-forgery.notlong.com (all posts by
on 1/15/08 are forgeries by Larose)
(4) http://darrelllarose-justme-alias.notlong.com
(5) http://darrell-larose-alias-Suppedisne.notlong.com
(6) http://darrell-larose-alias-Forge-Jason.notlong.com (forges jason.
2401) One of few a/c removed by aioe.org
(7) http://darrell-larose-aliases-More.notlong.com
(8) http://darrell-larose-aliases-Nomen.notlong.com
(9) http://darrelllarose-the-exorcist.notlong.com
(10) http://darrell-larose-alias-ad607.notlong.com
(11) http://darrell-larose-aliases-many.notlong.com (unbelievable!)
(12) http://darrell-larose-aliases-recent.notlong.com (***@home.eh)
(13) " \(_*_\)" <***@dizum.com> banned by Google in one day
(14) "Enid Strict" <***@dizum.com> banned by Google in one day
(15) http://darrell-larose-alias-nobody.notlong.com (***@here.eh
via aioe.org)
(16) "In nomine Patris" <***@dizum.com> banned in one day by Google
(17) http://darrell-larose-alias101.notlong.com
(***@darrylanddarryl.org again via aioe.org)
(18) http://darrell-larose-alias-bodybuilder.notlong.com (forging gain
Scoville's bodybuilder as "Edward Urbane" <***@aol.com> via
aioe.org again)
IV..Some of his posting profiles using real name..
(1) http://darrell-larose-posting-OwnName.notlong.com
(***@rogers.com via Rogers))
(2) http://darrell-larose-OwnName2.notlong.com
***@freenet.carleton.ca via FreeNet)
V. Some relevant links (more as this posting lives as an archive))
(1) http://darrell-larose-overview.notlong.com
(2) http://darrell-larose-reporting.notlong.com
(3) http://darrell-larose-GOOGLE.notlong.com
(4) http://darrell-larose-GOOGLE-GROUPS.notlong.com
(5) http://darrell-larose-FSS-SEARCH.notlong.com
(6) http://darrell-larose-REPORTING2.notlong.com (important email
VI. Most Importantly for arcving this predator, his facilitaors, etc..
***@igs.net Network ***@carleton.ca
***@avalonworks.com ***@ncf.ca Beyond
***@avalonworks.com ***@avalonworks.com Gateway
***@igs.net Services America ***@carleton.ca david
***@canada.com ***@ottawapolice.ca
http://tinyurl.com/jast6 ***@canada.com west
http://tinyurl.com/jast6 ***@pccwglobal.com http://tinyurl.com/l9rq9
***@btnaccess.com http://tinyurl.com/kp9zk CanWest
613-236-1222 http://tinyurl.com/kp9zk ***@aol.com
***@ottawapolice.ca ***@ottawa.ca http://www.ottawapolice.ca
webnames.ca Bevan wrote: WEBNAMES.CA Bob Vincent
photo.equipment.medium-format police chief Spanker Jozef
***@aol.com ***@canwest.com Lipnican Publications
Chiarelli ***@canwest.com ***@gmail.com DeGroot
JustTheFarts canada.com ***@here.com Peter
rec.photo.digital Flatus ***@this.invalid MediaWorks arts rob
ott.general Gregory Morrow ***@aol.com Spam Suppedisne
anon can.legal NET.COP us.legal us.legal httP//www.FSSSmack.org
DomainsAtCost ***@gmail.com camera hall ***@freenet.carleton.ca
rec.photo.digital.slr-systems ***@dfn.de ***@rogers.com
***@aol.com ***@hotmail.com unprofessional
***@privacy.ca ***@gmail.com ***@rci.rogers.com
Universitaet Culley club Technische Cyberus 935-6497 Blocked
***@yahoo.com pedophilia magma.ca [#35227650] Interested
***@yahoo.com Online (416) nomen Dresden
(KMM21799091V39451L0KM) ***@aol.com
network-***@cc.yahoo-inc.com larose wigle 299 slime [#35227582]
darrelllarose.ca cyberus.ca [#41695102] Mayor [#41695104]
Coleccionista primus ***@FreeNet.Carleton.CA frell.net
***@nym.alias.net prime frell usenetexchange.com schwarz nescio
singh rogers RCMP ott.general FreakSpeekSore ***@aol.com
photographers kirch Bob idiot Chairella Lowell pm ***@cyberus.ca
***@frell.theremailer.net Sympatico minister section rr cyberus.ca
***@hotmail.com Greene dufus 8 trademark canada remailer cop
roadrunner regional bruns warner ex-convict
harman usps ahbl.org Professional 2mbit.com richard forgery security
ahbl andrew unacceptable puke Bestiality brian speakeasy
***@canadapost.ca Contingent ***@uspis.gov illegal felon
defamation defame sosdg SPCA dog-sodomizing trelane solicitation 449
QC alt.ecommerce Blasphemy tax time canadapost.ca Toniata Liabilities
***@canadapost.ca district Trinity criminal 819-684-3482
819-682-3500 man sosdg.org crimes Wilfrid 819-684-5760 P.O. Wilfrid-
Lavigne Capitol 203 Aylmer judge PQ PWHS Cinemas Anglican Boul Wright
Church Paraphilia McGee 6P1 Gatineau J9H postal 514 Elizabeth Bd
Square Christ Aylmer Darcy alt.usenet.kooks 613-860-1689 School
Philemon Lavigne chemin alt.personals.teen Queen french
abuse.usenet Quebec Road High alt.www.webmaster ott.general
misc.consumers sat.general brockville alt.religion.scientology
Carleton misogyny alt.gossip.celebrities webnames.ca idiot Carleton
misc.invest.stocks d'Aylmer Computers ***@webnames.ca School Road
alt.personals.sex University freenet cs.ubc.ca alt.personals.bi
DePodesta sci.psychology.psychotherapy British sci.physics.relativity
***@cs.ubc.ca http://www.ocdsb.edu.on.ca copyright spam
translations ***@FreeNet.Carleton.CA University carleton.ca libel
competency Board District phishing loss code http://www.carleton.ca
stephen english claire Columbia address PayPal management virus
***@mrco2.carleton.ca forging investment death carleton.ca smith
optus.com.au invest service equity tortuous stock misogynist
stockbrokers trademark provider scam stocks radiant.net shares
forgeries jessica primustel.ca primustel.com virtual ethics PRTL
hosegood extensions Andrew isp magma wigle virtual-impact.ca
bowmac.com.au petercommunications ip authorized marc magma.ca
brokerage sarah executive Ted wigle.ca liability Edmund policy
aup abuse onebigfriggingdude Nice use impact principle internet
support Singh ***@hotmail.com Chase Tracy Bob R. Carl
***@virtual-impact.ca Leslie primus Lawson Paul DePodesta Chislett
John Guirgis filth Thomas Scase Hazard Ali F. Neil Mark David
Tailwind Andrew Wilson Day K. Capital Rosenblatt GlobeComm L. M.
Geoffrey E. Kloster Hicks G. G. Jay Karp private equity Puente B.
Hershberg Capital Douglas Paul Reid fund AIG-sponsored PH John
ruse Systems Greg frontpage hacker Partners Kaul MICROS K.
investigation Systems probes Yazdanpanah scanning Pizzani P. Hughes
kook hacks Telecommunications Network linux Ladyface intrusions scans
GNU/Linux subterfuge complaints news.admin.net-abuse.email punk
Complaints newsgroup LLC internet punks loser server nanae language
hacking lawsuit ***@duskglow.com unix internet rcmp Miller
profanity child Russell alt.usenet.kooks ntegrity Duskglow mounted
Detective neal roy
beware Consulting ethical abuse canadian filthy Consulting programmer
professionalism iowa morningmist.org vengeance threats police Le
scoville ethics duskglow.com 712-546-5886 royal Mars alt.usenet.kooks
1557 contacts hotmail court rcmp sue Multi-Posting bans Graham
Excessive harass professional brin richard kooks bravehost.com
Gatineau FSS-***@hotmail.com harasser accountant ban sucks contact
page NASDAQ earnings kook ***@hotmail.com police Shworan
beware susan 05468667 Dave White sexual harassment Negative sapd
Bravenet pervert Notification cyberstalking ***@wigle.ca
cyberstalker wife conference
groups-***@google.com pornogrophy penis report necrophilia
***@google.com ***@google.com dimmock troll deviancy stalker
slime Nescio lingo alert ***@google.com groups dev/null
ott.personals google Nomen ***@nojunkhotmail.com Louise cyber
deviant hookers aol hooker district ahbl.org whatever... Womyn
marijuana ***@layeredetech.com,***@ottawapolice.ca,
***@ottawapolice.ca, ***@ottawapolice.ca,***@rogers.com,
h.com,***@layeredtech.com, ***@layeredtechnologies.com,
***@layeredtechnologies.com ***@this.eh 225th court specia
fuck reports claire fss bogus judge 2mbit.com mary ***@dizum.com
kirch duck trelane.net Misconduct fischer 2005-CI-19492 lame
incompetent recusal biased
dereliction complaints sosdg.org bruns administrative recuse Judicial
National ***@cameraclubottawa.com Capital ***@hosteurope.de
pompous ***@onyx.inf.tu-dresden.de ***@datenschutzzentrum.de
camera toybox.ca Internic.ca complaints derelict ***@inf.tu-
dresden.de Corp Goff linda wong (omp:100238) sarah jean stewart (omp:
164070) onemodelplace.com vern white sherry jones gay blade predator