STUNNAS.COM ... is this a scam?
(too old to reply)
2007-02-05 10:08:28 UTC
I've noticed that the STUNNAS.COM domain name is for sale on eBay.co.uk. If you go to http://www.ebay.co.uk and 'search' for Stunnas, you will see it. Can anyone tell me if this is for real or if they know anything about the seller? Seems like an offer too good to be true. Is it for real tho?? Thanks for any help you can offer.

Alexis x
2007-02-06 17:06:51 UTC
I've noticed that the STUNNAS.COM domain name is for sale on eBay.co.uk. If you go tohttp://www.ebay.co.ukand 'search' for Stunnas, you will see it. Can anyone tell me if this is for real or if they know anything about the seller? Seems like an offer too good to be true. Is it for real tho?? Thanks for any help you can offer.
Alexis x
You can buy a variant of it on GoDaddy for 99ยข right now

Then you could set up albums at

REF Link will save you $5 on Smugmug.
